Thursday, August 25, 2011


i love watching strangers embrace and often wonder what the story is behind each one. these were done earlier this year around the time that grandpa passed away, but i just got around to posting. gouache, pen and crayon on cardboard.

Pier 39

on my way back from a lovely work offsite at Angel Island, i took some time to sketch. 1hr pen on site, 30min photoshop after the fact.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

stubby mcorangetoes

this guy is so stubby and grumpy it's cute. 1.5 hours in photoshop w/reference. color is hard. need to work more on lighting.

Monday, August 22, 2011


in my constant struggle to keep on drawing and dancing, self expectation seems to be my current biggest blocker. my boyfriend suggested the remedy of just relearning how to enjoy the simple act of doing. the result: 1 hour greyscale exercise, done in photoshop with photo reference.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rock On

I try to go with the flow, but oftentimes it's not very convincing. Freehanded in photoshop.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Whachu lookin' at?

Practiced directly sketching and painting into Photoshop back in early June. Everyone's gotta start somewhere. :P

Livingroom Strutter

Spent some time practicing for a dance performance coming up this Sunday. Different types of dancers interpret the music in all sorts of different ways, but a good session is always meditative. Quick sketch messing around with Photoshop CS5's directional tilt-sensative brushes.