Friday, December 28, 2012

More head practice. The first one was done straight into digital as a photoshop rendering exercise. The second, pencil drawn from a photo. Norman Schwarzkopf died today, so I guess I was thinking about tired, old white men.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas! I haven't been that lazy over the holiday break. (well, okay maybe just a little bit.) More terrible than lazy. I haven't been thinking in color for a semester, and it shows. Here's my current WIP.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Chiaroscuro Midterm + Final Projects

I got super busy with work and the holidays, and completely neglected updating this blog, so here is a jumbo update. (Please excuse the crappy iphone shots) In short, I am posting my midterm and final projects. :)

Here is my completed midterm (pencils previously posted):

Then I went home for Thanksgiving, started my finals, caught pneumonia and was out for 2 weeks. Despite the drug induced haze, I managed to finish my finals. Brandon rejected all of the awesome modern day Italian angelic naked lady poses I wanted to do, and suggested I do a master copy of Thomas Eakins' Masked Woman.

I told him initially that I found it kind of creepy and odd. But then he explained that back in the late 19th century America, the models would put on the hoods to maintain their anonymity in whatever small town they lived in. I could imagine how nervous this might make these women, and wondered why a conservative house wife with 5 kinds would choose to do such a thing. Maybe they wanted to be like the classical beauties of old. Perhaps they found it exciting. It became an appealing mystery to me, and I decided to stick with this piece.

For the second piece, we were given a choice to do another master copy or to take a photo ourselves of a figure and draw that. I was the only person in the class of about 26 people to do this, to my surprise. Funny that this small town, conservative housewife from the 1890's would have less modesty than these 21st century art students. So here is my piece and yes he is reading The Dark Knight Trilogy art book in his boxers on the couch. (I cooked him dinner for this one.)

Now school is out! I am still waiting for my grade. One of my new years resolutions is to keep on updating this blog regularly.

Happy Holidays y'all. :)