Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Monster #2

Have a monster as I attempt to destress after work. Day 2, so far so good...

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Monster a Day: Monster #1

Happy summer! I've been enjoying my summer break a lot. And by enjoy, I mean working 10 hour days, going on trips to random places (this weekend was a geothermic park, Reno and a bear feeding for the July 4th weekend), catching up on my stack of videogames and in general doing anything but drawing.

So, to counteract my creative lethargy, I've decided to do daily pen and ink warmups on my little EA post-it notes. The point is to just let my mind and hand wander without worrying about what comes out. The theme I've chosen is a monster a day. Yay! Here is monster #1.