Friday, January 31, 2014

Monster #24

Ten pronged Herbert
Outran a flood of pink sherbert.
Upon hearing a bell,
He tripped and then fell!
And now he is blue but not hurt. :P

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monster #23

Tiredly trampling twigs thrice, today's tongue tied terrestrial terror teases tumultuous tomorrows toward therapeutic thoughts.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Monster #22

Due to having 4 eyes, the giant blue hamrus has excellent depth perception, much better than their earthling relatives the fancy hamster. Large tusks protruding from the fluffy little hamcheeks of both male and female adult specimens serve them well for digging up seeds from last season's stash and fighting off horned owls from attacking their young. Much like the front incisors of other rodents, the tusks never stop growing, so the hamrus must constantly wear them down against rocks and stumps. The resulting distinctive beat (always in 6/8 time) is known locally as the hamdiggity rompadoodle.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Monster #21

Enough with the spikes and toothy maws,
Oversized feet and vicious claws.
This monster's soft, fluffy and lazy
plopped in a field, burping up daisies.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Monster #20

One can tell Monster #20 is still in its infancy by the bright red thorns adorning its spine. This armor embedded into a flinty hide discourages larger creatures from munching it as a snack and punishes anything careless enough to trod upon it. At night, one can easily spot sparks created as they cavort and bounce around on the rocky hillside habitat.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Monster #19

There once was a bad-tempered antelope,
Who harnessed an unstable isotope.
It mutated him pink,
and grumpier, I think.
with eyes as big as a cantaloupe.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Monster #18

Monster #18 tries so hard to be a proper rabbit, even though he can't hippity hop nearly as well as he climbs trees and catches birds. Nevertheless, he twitches his nose quietly and pretends to enjoy strawberries and alfalfa just to fit in, all while wondering why the other bunnies never quite seem to warm up to him. He's never thought of eating them, not even once. (Really!)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Monster #17

Monster #17 perches silently in jungle canopies, always keeping its ears open and eyes peeled for food and predators. Masters of stealth and surprise, they will hide, then suddenly roar loudly enough to cause temporary hearing loss and disorientation. The offending creature will usually then lose their balance and often fall out of the tree, thus allowing this monster to escape enemies, dodge criticism or gleefully scoop up their prey off the forest floor.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Monster #16

PSA from Monster #16: Better to have posted in shame, than to have never posted at all.


Translation: It's better to post a shitty monster at the start of the year, than to have glared at it disparagingly for 2 months until procrastination lead to stopping entirely.

In my defense, the Stephen Silver class + moving + the holidays really kicked my ass. Anyways, Happy New Year! Have a monster with mustaches for eyebrows.