Friday, August 28, 2015

Speedpaint #28

Topic: Elf Brute (Halfway to Hades)

Lesson learned: Don't bother judging your imagination, it probably doesn't give a f**k. :D

The way the group works, we get 4 topics to choose from. I started off one way, but ended up on one of the others. 30min generally isn't enough for me to plan much, so I guess that's what happens when I go along for the ride with my twisty brain.

There once was a grumpy elf brute
wandering around searching for loot
he's usually a nice guy
but his contacts got dry
and he stubbed his big toe on a root :(

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Speedpaint #27

Topic: Rising From the Sand
time: 30 min

Between two moons
she rose from dust
to gather the dunes
'till dusk, she must

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Spitpaint #26

Topic: Ping Pong Smash!

I had some nasty creative block this has been difficult to do anything, from painting to piano, even dancing. It was like I was a different person! For sure I couldn't paint or draw worth crap.

On the up side, my logic brain has been really active, and I've been learning how to put a lot of stuff into our game engine at work. So maybe it's not all bad?

Maybe September will be better.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Spitpaint #25

Topic: Mud Builder

I love swallows. Even if they don' t really live in the jungle or under waterfalls.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Art Camp: Environments - Homework #3 (pt. 1)

This homework was pretty challenging for me - I haven't spent as much time drawing landscapes, much less from the imagination. Oh wells, I will just plod along, slow and steady to learn whatever I can pick up.

Here are my chosen thumbnails + compositional analysis and their corresponding sketches. (slightly out of order, it's getting late). Plus we were told to draw out a quick map of our world, so here is that too. Before Wednesday, I plan to finish up this homework with 3 more sketches of a region riddled with canals at the gate to the city in the east.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Spitpaint #24

Topic: Jack the Friendly Pig

Meet Jack. He's got a good career, wife and two kids. Likes his tea with 2 sugars, one cream. Sports aficionado. Totally approachable, right?

No bad poetry for today. I spent all evening ramping up on homework 3 and am tired as shit. Maybe tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Art Camp: Environments - Homework #2

This week's homework was to flesh out some high level game concepts according to a couple rough genre guidelines, then to do a bunch of abstract thumbnails to explore mood and composition. So after writing design docs all week, I got to go home and write some more. (I just wanna paint!!!) But yes, I do understand the mental process he's trying to teach.

My second game inspired me the most, so that's the one I picked to do the extra set of thumbnails and take forward for the rest of the class. These fast, high contrast thumbs are new to me, so I initially had a rough start and threw away a couple of sets. But now I'm really digging the process and getting a lot out of it.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Spitpaint #23

Topic: Black Teeth

(Taking a break from class)

Scaling mountains belched from the sea
a high priestess rose from the depths
flinging her arms up to cast fervently
obsidian teeth from her breath.