Thursday, December 31, 2015

Dec #9 - Rey

Fanart! Sometimes it happens.

This looks a lot better in real life, just like everything else in my pocket sketchbook. I wish my phone took better photos.

Honestly, I should just be happy that my old iPhone4s still works as well as it does.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Dec #8 - Croatia

Bought myself a little Windsor Newton pocket palette for Christmas. It's roughly the size of my wallet and fits perfectly in any purse. The colors are so much nicer than my last Pelican set. 

Now if I could only learn how to use watercolors properly...

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Dec. #7 - Muse

Quick sketch before having to go off to spend Christmas Eve with the boyfriend's parents. 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Spitpaint #37

Topic: Dragon Lance

Back into digital, after almost 3 months! This was originally done for the facebook spitpaint group, but then I kept on going after 30min. The end product took me about an hour.

Beartopia leans
on the brink of disaster
Dragons wreak havoc
without a master.

The Bear king emerges
With the passing of fall
At the end of the day,
He'll conquer them all!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Dec #5 - Breaking Thru the Block

Did this one a couple of days ago when I was pushing through a creative dead zone. I've been doing more underpainting these days, which has been interesting. 

Too lazy to draw a wall, so just used the sketchbook spine instead.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dec #4 - Cozy

today started off sunny
then turned kinda funny
skies thundered with hail
rain ripped down the rails
and soaked all the mail

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Dec. #3 - Cool Under Fire

Pentel brush pen with watercolor, messing around whiteout this time around. I need to figure out how to take better sketchbook photos, the camera on my 4s isn't quite up to snuff.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Dec. #2 - Red Sweater

Sketching in a cafe, playing with different styles and trying to feel out what type of lines feel "right" to make. What makes my stuff look mine?

I wish I could just draw all day long...

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dec. #1 - Salon Bonsai

Sketched my stylist's bonsai in her salon while waiting for my hair to bleach a couple of weekends ago. I just colored it now, moments before Ico fell asleep on my sketchbook.

Took a 2 week break from posting, half of which was spent in Houston, then driving down through Acadian Bayou Country to New Orleans. But now it's time to get back to it - and I'm going to be ambitious and aim for 20 posts to close out the year. Wish me luck!