Sunday, October 14, 2012

Chiaroscuro Class Week 5, APE and a Robot

Metal. And more drapery. And more fruit (unfinished). Gotta fix this one for the quarter final grade coming up. I've also been working on the homework due this coming Wednesday, trying to color in the lineart from last week. Busy busy busy...

On a different note, I went to the Alternative Press Expo in San Francisco yesterday! It was really motivating and wonderful to see all sorts of people there, from seasoned pros to students fresh out of school. I even saw the girl there whose blog helped me decide to decide to go to the program that I'm currently enrolled in. (peep her blog at ) All in all, it was very motivating and I had the chance to meet some really nice people and buy some phenomenal sketchbooks.Yay!!!

I also got to work on my munny again this morning. This is probably terrible to say, but it's been nice being antisocial. :P Here's a sneak peak at the undercoat I've laid down. Megablaster and boots WIP.

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