Friday, September 21, 2012

Chiaroscuro Homework #01, part 1 - Square One.

A week ago I began my MFA studies at the Academy of Art. First semester, first class. So why not record my progress? Maybe one day when I am a total badass I can look back upon the start of my journey and laugh. :P Anyway, everyone's gotta start somewhere, right? Here's to the start of my mileage.

Homework #01 was to set up a still life of 3 solid, non transparent or reflective surfaces at home with one point lighting. This is my progress halfway in. (please excuse the crappy cellphone pic) Charcoal is hard. Drawing symmetrical objects is really hard. Yikes. My hope in all of this was that I still found it thoroughly enjoyable.

Conclusion? I am easy to entertain, but difficult to please. Hopefully part 2 will go better.

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