Sunday, September 29, 2013

Character Design Homework #1

This is my first homework for Stephen Silver's character design class. We were given a character profile of Londoner Walter Chipwitter, an enthusiastically jolly, heavyset, wealthy entrepreneur in his 60's wearing a bow tie, smoking jacket and a monocle.

Homework #1 was to gauge our technical abilities so he could give us better feedback in the upcoming weeks. I wish I could have spent more time on good ol' Walter, but The Bear and I were heading out to Seattle to celebrate our anniversary, so no weekend time for this one. Kind of rushed.

His feedback? That I needed to draw through my shapes and focus on better anatomy and construction. Yup yup. Too many parallel lines. And it would have helped to draw the gesture of the pipe first, then figure out how his hands were going to wrap around it rather than the other way around.

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